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Norbury School

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English - Writing and Oracy

We are privileged to have at least 56 different languages at Norbury, which contributes to our culturally rich learning environment. Our diversity means that our children are already linguists and so language sits at the forefront of our English curriculum. 

The English curriculum at Norbury encompasses the core skills of speaking and listening, reading and writing. Learning journeys take children on an exploration of immersion, vocabulary building and skills and culminates in a purposeful writing outcomes. Pupils grow to develop a love of writing and to be able to express their thoughts and ideas clearly and creatively through the written word. Our children explore key skills through a range of engaging activities such as drama, sensory exploration, real life experiences, group work, shared reading and writing.

We create writers who are self-reflective and critical thinkers; through the process of re-reading, editing and peer conferencing

Oracy has always been at the forefront of our school improvement plan. We believe that a language rich environment is an area of key importance to our pupils and use this as our driving force to improve children’s spoken language and vocabulary which has a positive impact on all wider subjects.

Our curriculum aim is to develop proficient communicators, readers and writers.

Curriculum Thinking

  • A writing curriculum which challenges children through text choices, builds speaking, listening and drama opportunities to build vocabulary.
  • To develop and foster a love of vocabulary. Writing is embedded within and across the curriculum for a range of audiences, purposes and genres.
  • Speaking and Listening (Oracy) opportunities embedded into every journey of writing and across the wider curriculum.

Journey of Writing


Oracy Progression

oracy progression.pdf



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